My Top 10 Essentials
I will start by saying my essentials doesn't have to be your essentials. What I do doesn't have to be what you have to. It's simply a way to get your mind going and might get you to wonder if you have a list of iconic superficials that marks your presence. Kind of like when you go to order a drink and your bar tender knows your favorite whiskey.
To introduce myself, I am a man in my late 20's that is very much into fashion and design, however, it's classic fashion. Kind of like Harvey Specter from Suits, all the characters from the Godfather and Ghost from Power.
I am not rich, nor am I poor and I don't believe that my wardrobe requires the most expensive merchandise for me to be considered to have amazing style. I grew up watching mafia movies, and I was inspired more so of the way they dress, than their actions. This is no hint that I am into shady business.
I say I am a simple man, however, I have a guideline of what every man should have, in my perspective. These superficial things though don't make me who I am. In my opinion, a man isn't defined by what he owns, he defines what he owns.
That being said here is a list of my 10 essentials:
- A cologne that becomes your signature - my pick: Christian Dior Fahrenheit.
- The perfect fit black suit.
- Classic black dress shoes with laces.
- Lots of crisp brand new black v-necks t-shirts.
- Perfectly fitted, dark colored, plain dress shirts.
- A high quality beard trimmer - my pick: Wahl Professional Peanut Trimmer.
- The everyday watch with a leather band - my pick: Guess W0370G3.
- The perfect dress coat for the fall/winter.
- Your everyday sunglasses.
- A bad ass minimal wallet.
As you can see, there is nothing out of the ordinary in there, but that's because my belief is I can pull off a plain black v-neck better than the most. Excuse my cocky attitude...
This ideology goes back to defining what you own. All my friends used to make fun of me for a long time with the way I dressed. It was always classic suit and tie, but they dress all the same now working their 9-5 jobs. It makes them feel good knowing they can actually look sharp. Difference for me is, it's a 9-9 job to dress like that.
What about you? What are your must haves, things you envision implementing in the future, or things I missed?
Who knows, I might steal some of your ideas and change around my essentials.
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Amazing first blog! Great job guys!
Similar list but I go for white tees instead of black!